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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fruit Carving

Academy of Ice Carving and Design( NA ). Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from
Fruit and Vegetable Carving history:

         Fruit Carving is the art of cutting or carving fruit into beautiful designs.It is originated in Thailand and one of its oldest art forms and heritages. It started in 1364 when Nang Nopamas decorated the floating lamp for the Royal Festival. She carved fruits and vegetables in a variety of flowers which were used to decorate the floating lamp making it to look like a huge water lily flower. When king Phra Ruang saw what she had created he appreciated it and declared it to be an art heritage of Thailand. This knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation and through loved ones, especially in The Royal Palace.

The following are videos showing fruit carving professionals from different countries:


This video provides information on the American style of carving, It shows the style of their culture's carving and the shapes they carve.

IUP Indiana University of Pennsylvania. ( 2009, September ). Fruit and Vegetable Carving Demonstration [Video]. 
                                   Retrieved November 22, 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ_eYqKlkxE


This video shows a professional Thai fruit carver at work. The video also shows the difference between American  and Thai carving in terms of the style of carving and the results produced.

                      SushiNow. (2007, October 17).Thai Fruit Carving [Video]. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from             


This last video displays a Japanese artist at work. The video demonstrates that each different culture has its own unique style of carving passed on through the generations compared to the previous videos.

     mtdmango ( 2009, December 21). Japanese radish carving,rose,real type [Video]. Retrieved November 22, 2010
                         from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR-YsL_xxRM&translated=1

Fruit Carving examples:

【No title】. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from


The art of carving (2007 ,February 28).The Art of the Fruit Carving. Retrieved  November 24, 2010  from


Special Tools used for fruit carving:

【No title】. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from

Carving Tools(NA). Servers and Utensils. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from http://chicagosilver.com/utensils.htm


  1. Culture can affect strongly in any type of art work.It will decide what people carve and reflect their feelings . In addition,the fruits and vegetables that are available at their hands can affect the type and design of carving .

  2. Wow, food craving is truly an art! It is amazing what you can do with some knivies and fruit. This is a really great hobby and a fantastic talent. Great topic, I really love the information provided on food craving. Thanks Osam

  3. OSAMA! great work on your blog.. I envy the work done. Great learning !
