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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hybrid Cars

Hybrid Cars – Environmentally Friendly Automotive Breakthrough


A hybrid car is a vehicle which is a new generation of environmentally friendly cars. They used not only gasoline engines but also electricity. In order to make these cars become successful, they should satisfy user’s requirements which are convenience mileage, quickly refueling, and good performance as other vehicles do on the road. The existing cars meet most users’ needs but they pollute the air that we breathe. On the other hand, electric-powered cars have no pollution at all, but it can be driven only for a short distance with slow speed and a complicated recharging procedure. Car manufacturers succeeded to overcome these problems by producing hybrid cars.
Hybrid cars have excellent impact on global warming and fuel price increment. Also, they were designed to work at minimal energy which part of it can be obtained from the gasoline engine and the rest from the electrical motor. The smaller engine used on hybrid cars makes the car lighter and has lesser friction on the ground which can reduce the required energy.
The features of hybrid cars using the advanced technology make their price higher than the normal cars. However, the money spent on buying these cars can be absorbed in the future. If some people cannot afford to buy hybrid cars, there are different ways to reduce car fuel consumption. Driving slower and preventing of sudden stop are good ways to save fuel.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog Review Questions

The reviewed blog was Idea Food 

The Design of the blog is simple and easy on the eye. There are few links at this blog easy located. The blog posts separated from the links which will send you to other site.

The purpose of this blog is to entertain. It explained the blogger’s personal experience to inform the reader of what happened with him in informal way. It is an example of blogs.

The content is readable and the words and sentences flow together in very simple informal writing.  The information in this blog is match with what the purpose of it. It was wordy writing, which the purpose of it is to entertain and inform the reader. The information is not so important, but, maybe, it will meet what the blog made for and some people may find it interesting.

Writing mechanics:
The writing mechanics is informal and very simple .The writer use some slunk and few bad words which will give the reader indication about the writing. The writer did not use the rules of writing. There are many punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes, also some sentence structure errors.

Blog Activity: 
As we can see from the blog archives, the posts were only four between October, 2005 and January, 2006. There was one post each month. In addition, there were no any comments in this blog which was allowed, so we don’t know if the author responds.

The blogger provides supporting links for the information given. But most links are not directly related to the ideas which explained in this blog. The information which was given need source to be checked whether it is correct or not, so the blogger use this blog just to inform about his experience. He did not worry about the correctness of the information.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fruit Carving

Academy of Ice Carving and Design( NA ). Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from
Fruit and Vegetable Carving history:

         Fruit Carving is the art of cutting or carving fruit into beautiful designs.It is originated in Thailand and one of its oldest art forms and heritages. It started in 1364 when Nang Nopamas decorated the floating lamp for the Royal Festival. She carved fruits and vegetables in a variety of flowers which were used to decorate the floating lamp making it to look like a huge water lily flower. When king Phra Ruang saw what she had created he appreciated it and declared it to be an art heritage of Thailand. This knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation and through loved ones, especially in The Royal Palace.

The following are videos showing fruit carving professionals from different countries:


This video provides information on the American style of carving, It shows the style of their culture's carving and the shapes they carve.

IUP Indiana University of Pennsylvania. ( 2009, September ). Fruit and Vegetable Carving Demonstration [Video]. 
                                   Retrieved November 22, 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ_eYqKlkxE


This video shows a professional Thai fruit carver at work. The video also shows the difference between American  and Thai carving in terms of the style of carving and the results produced.

                      SushiNow. (2007, October 17).Thai Fruit Carving [Video]. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from             


This last video displays a Japanese artist at work. The video demonstrates that each different culture has its own unique style of carving passed on through the generations compared to the previous videos.

     mtdmango ( 2009, December 21). Japanese radish carving,rose,real type [Video]. Retrieved November 22, 2010
                         from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR-YsL_xxRM&translated=1

Fruit Carving examples:

【No title】. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from


The art of carving (2007 ,February 28).The Art of the Fruit Carving. Retrieved  November 24, 2010  from


Special Tools used for fruit carving:

【No title】. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from

Carving Tools(NA). Servers and Utensils. Retrieved  November 22, 2010  from http://chicagosilver.com/utensils.htm